Super Heavy Duty AKS3004 Hitchlock

Price: £100.95

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Hitch Lock

Fits AL-KO AK130, AK160, AKS1300, AKS2004 & AKS3004 stabilisers and hitches

This hitchlock has been engineered and designed to be the strongest hitchlock ever made for the Alko range of hitches. Made from super heavy duty 4mm steel combined with the strongest lock ever used in a hitchlock. If you are serious about security you will not find a better lock.

Fits three ways, hitched, unhitched and with a hitch post.

Easy and simple to use and fitted with an integrated high quality lock which will give years of reliable service.

This is a very high quality product made by Milenco in England, full back and service available including keys and locks.

Comes complete with carry case and three keys.